We’ve been rolling out fixes and updates to bring Rooms 2 closer to a stable beta release. This post recaps the recent changes we’ve made and what to expect next.
Creator Testing & Feedback
In December, we launched a private server for a small group of creators to help us test upcoming Rooms 2 updates. Their feedback has been invaluable in identifying pain points and prioritizing fixes. But, we also want to hear from you about your experience with Rooms 2.
You can share your thoughts in the R2 feedback / feature request forum, and keep logging bugs you find in the R2 bugs section. We’re working on more fixes and this feedback will help us make sure we’re tackling the things you care about.
What We Heard from You & What We Did
Thanks to your feedback, we prioritized some of the biggest challenges with Rooms 2:
Room corruption & lost saves due to crashes, circuits, and player join issues
- We fixed object errors that cause discrepancies when using load and save operations. They’re now more reliable and we’ve seen 30% less issues when saving rooms.
Building usability issues, making it difficult to align and scale objects how you would expect
- We fixed issues with object placement, alignment, scale, manipulation, and interaction. Working with shapes and objects is more robust and less fiddly and we added new features that allow you to add Custom Object Properties.
Replicator instability, leading to ghost objects & incorrect circuit behaviors
- We fixed a bunch of Replicator bugs, preventing ghost objects from appearing and improving overall stability.
Better Rooms 1 to Rooms 2 conversion support to ensure a smoother transition
- We created Better hierarchy systems and introduced new Object and Connect widgets that make more intuitive sense, working similarly to how ‘merge shapes’ functioned in Rooms 1.
- We redesigned how to manage Rooms Inventories and Offers by incorporating them into Inventions in Rooms 2, making them easier to handle compared to Rooms 1.
- We introduced version control features and UI improvements for inventions, allowing you to save and load up to 50 versions of the invention.
Expand here to see the ship notes related to Rooms 2 from Sept to Jan.
Save/Load stability
- We’ve added some features that allow you to control if the room is “edit-ready” and ready for creation. Rooms will now load as edit-ready for Creators by default, and you can specify how you want edit-ready rooms to load for other players in your subroom settings. You can also visit the “This Room” page to know if your current room instance is edit-ready!
- Fixed a bug where VR players would sometimes be sent to their dorm when saving the room.
- Fixed a bug which could cause large objects to rotate a little bit after a Room was saved. We think this bug may have friends… keep your eyes peeled and let us know if you see similar behavior!
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause objects to fly all over the place when a Room was loaded. We informed Facilities - they assure us that they’ve bolted everything down.
- Fixed a bug where shapes would sometimes appear with the wrong scale when joining a Room.
Object improvements
- Fixed an issue where a shape could end up with negative scale values when the scale tool was used. Now scaling will stop and you will receive a notification that you can not scale farther.
- Fixed inconsistent scaling behavior when scaling multiple shapes simultaneously.
- Improved tube scaling behavior to be more consistent.
- Fixed an issue where frozen props inside a container could prevent you from using the Move, Rotate, Scale, Manipulate, or Delete tools on it
- Fixed an issue where you couldn’t recolor certain shapes.
- You can now mark your Custom Object Properties as synchronized, so everyone in the room sees the same value for that property!
- New objects spawned will no longer be grabbable by default.
- Fixed a bug where the Projectile Launcher couldn’t hit players.
Hierarchy management
- Added polish to the MakerPen UX in the Hierarchy Tab.
- You can now scroll through hierarchy view on touch platforms.
- Made resetting objects work as expected.
- Resetting objects now resets their children, if they have any.
- Resetting objects now resets any properties applied by circuits.
- Resetting objects now resets any tags changed by circuits.
- Connect Widget: When selecting a non-circuit object, a connection icon will appear on the right of the selection (or below it if the selection is large). You can drag this icon to another object to parent the selection to that object. Or you can tap or click the icon to quickly edit in and out of objects, group and ungroup objects, move objects to the room level, and copy and paste objects across hierarchies.
- Object Widget: When selecting any object, a nameplate will appear. You can select the name like a shortcut to the 2D hierarchy menu, or the “…” to access the Quick Action Menu for familiar options like configure.
- New shapes can now exist directly at the Room Level or within Gizmos, eliminating the need for automatic container creation.
Replicator Stability
- There is now a limit of 150 Replicator copies that can be Pre-Allocated across all Replicators in a Room to prevent loading timeouts. If a Room’s total Preallocated Copies is above this number, only the maximum number of copies will be generated.
- Replicated objects will no longer pop to the origin when reset.
- Replicators will now assign authority of the object that they spawn to the player who used the Replicator Spawn Next Object Chip. This solves some issues with players other than the room authority correctly positioning spawned objects.
- The amount of chips that can be added to Replicators and Player Definition Boards is now limited by memory usage.
- Studio objects that have been replicated will no longer leave spooky ghosts inside a trigger volume when they are returned to the replicator.
- Fixed an issue where having a Replicator with a positive number of Preallocated Copies but no Target Object could cause a room to fail to load.
- Replicated objects with Handles will now no longer take your hand with them to the great beyond when returned to the replicator.
- There is now a limit of 150 Replicator copies that can be Pre-Allocated across all Replicators in a Room to prevent loading timeouts. If a Room’s total Preallocated Copies is above this number, only the maximum number of copies will be generated.
- Replicated objects will no longer pop to the origin when reset.
- Fixed an issue where a Replicator created through Cloning or Invention wouldn’t properly replicate its circuits.
- Fixed an error where inventions with chips in R2 could not be selected.
- Inventory Items, Room Offers, and Rewards now function as part of Inventions! Any new inventions that are saved in a room with chips that reference a specific Inventory Item, Room Offer, or Reward will bake that information into the Invention. When the Invention is spawned in a Room that does not have that content, it will create a new respective piece of content in that Room!
- Fixed a bug where some objects imported from Rooms 1 inventions would lose their object boards. (This won’t fix objects that this already happened to, unfortunately - you’ll need to re-spawn the invention to get a new, not-broken copy.)
- You are now able to save updates to Rooms 2 inventions. While you have a Maker Pen selection, use the “Save Invention Update” command in the quick action menu to add a new version to an existing invention. Use the “Version” dropdown on the Invention Details page to pick which version you want to spawn. You’ll be able to save up to 50 versions of each invention.
What’s Coming Next
Here are some of the updates we’re working on that will come your way soon.
2D Hierarchy Updates
- Improvements to the way you can scroll, drag, and nest elements in the Hierarchy, which should make building more fluid.
Improved Room Publishing
- New ways to manage & organize which subroom saves you publish, as well as a change list to see any saves you’re publishing in one place.
More Replicator Fixes
- We’re still working on improving stability further and have several fixes to variable resets, rapid spawning issues, and more coming in the next few updates.
More Object Snapping Improvements
- Fixes and improvements to object snapping and alignment.
Further Corruption Fixes and Stability to Circuits
- More memory improvements and fixes to circuit bugs.
Security & Anti-Hacking measures
- We’re working on more hacking protections for your rooms and events. For more details, check our recent post on Referee.
Stay Connected
Thank you for your patience as we get these updates out to bring Rooms 2 closer to a stable beta release.
For ongoing updates and to give feedback, keep tabs on rooms-2 topics in the Creator Forums, join the Creator Hub Discord, and participate in the Creator AMAs.