The Road to Rooms 2

This update has a lot of Rooms 2.0 goodness in it and will serve as our kickoff for a new assortment of posts we’re calling ‘The Road to Rooms’. It’s fair to say that our Rooms 2.0 rollout has not been as smooth as we’d have liked. That’s tough for us, but much worse for creators. We want to say a big thank you to everyone who has helped us improve the Rooms 2 systems by dedicating their time to bug reports and helping us out with feedback in the Creator Forums, in the Creator Hub Discord, and during the Creator AMAs.

In December we spun up a private server for a small number of creators to help us test upcoming Rooms 2 updates. These playtests helped the team tackle bugs before release and build confidence that these updates would excite creators. These tests have been going so well that we wanted to push them out as an update as soon as possible.

For today’s update, we improved hierarchy management tools and introduced room level shapes so you don’t have to organize with automatically created containers – all of this should help you build in Rooms 2 much quicker than before!

We’ll have more forum posts to share with visuals on these changes (and more) coming out this week, so make sure to keep tabs on rooms-2 topics.

We want Rooms 2 to be the obvious choice when creators go to make a new room. We realize that for many of you, we’re not there yet. Rooms 2 has amazing potential, but it still needs a lot of improvements before we can expect it to become the default choice for more creators.

As you build in Rooms 2.0 please log bugs for us using the R2 bugs section of creator forums, and let us know what you like and don’t like in the R2 feedback / feature request forum! See you on the Road to Rooms 2 [|=)]


Woo, lots of things today.

Alot of progress with Rooms 2.0. I’ll mess around with it, when I’m available and see what it’s like.

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I love the idea of Rooms 2.0, but I don’t think it’s currently at a state where building (especially with groups of people) is worth it, so I LOVE to see it receive updates and bug fixes.

I’m excited for the days where Rooms 2.0 is more reliable and I can create in it without worrying about something breaking - and I’m confident in saying that these days are coming soon.



We are working on and looking into those high priority issues around Rooms 2.0 reliability! Be on the look out for the updates we give out over the next few weeks as these tools will improve =]

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I love this update so far, cant wait to see where R2.0 ends up