Maybe for “important” people like professors you can add some chips chat are more useful like the player get is club member, if you give this to everyone its gonna be the hell, but if you give this to some ppl they can use it better like making some features more for a game, lets imagine ^Bladeball, i can always play BUT if i am a club member it gives me a cool sword, the problem is not the chip, just the bad creators that use it in the wrong way in my opinion.
I definitely think this is a cool idea, but you kind of have to ponder what that’d look like from a “manually managing every user who can use it” perspective. It’d be quite impractical for staff to manage and comb through applications to use this chip, and I feel automated selections based on user statistics would bring us straight back to the problem of it being abused.
Add Cv2 Chip i can send api - #4 by Tuna man makes good points
Continuing the discussion from Welcome to the Creator Forums: Please Read:
Yep good idea
I’d rather focus on probably limiting how many clubs a free player can be in, then the player gets to decide, is it worth it to join this creators club, do I like their rooms, etc.
Right now, it’s free for all, oh this club sure, this club too? yes!
There is no limit in how many clubs a player can join, so the sentimental value of deciding to join or not is gone.
Let free players have 35 clubs, RR+ to be 100.
35 is rather quite generious I would believe.
Then the use of this chip can seem entirely fair, if a creator wants to give a user who supports them a special skin, sure! Or a special room that only club members can visit or boards that club members can draw on!
RecRoom could even check or start counting tallys on users that respond positivly to your club announcements, posts, etc. If you don’t interact much with this club anymore, offer a notification, “You’ve seem to have lost interest in x,y,z clubs, would you like to leave feedback or leave these clubs?” In which leaving feedback could just leave a ‘room comment’ above the club spawn for simplicity until further updates for the watch menu.
Players will still entirely decide to support or ‘subscribe’ to creators individually, as that’s similar to just ‘following’ the creator to get updates they posted themselves.
Clubs are a group made by the creator(s) to know who really likes their rooms and want to get updates/new information from the club.