Some chips need to be added in Room 2.0

  1. Player Get Is AFK
  2. Set Inventory Description
  3. Player Get Is Full Body
  4. Set Marker Colour
  5. Set Storefront Background Colour
  6. Rec Room Object Set Collision Enabled
  7. Rec Room Object Set Is Grabbable and Rec Room Object Set Grab Range
  8. Player Get Is Level (Your RR Level)
  9. Set Inventory Title
  10. Rec Room Object Get Is Replicated Object
  11. Set Fly Speed
  12. Player Set Walk Input Enable
  13. Rec Room Object Set Is Visible
  14. Rec Room Object Set/Get Scale
  15. Player set/get is visible and Player set/get can push/ram
  16. Get Offer From Name
  17. Get All Offer With Tag
  18. Player Is In Club. Edit: (Bad Idea, do not add it)

Random Feedback, Can we have “Delete Circuit Everything” on Maker Pen Settings? If you have any ideas about the circuit, send your feedback on this page! Thank you @bucketman for the circuit’s name


Don’t know how I feel about the last club chip (#18).

Despite your suggestion of the chip being used by only full RRS access users, it can still be used like the subscription chip. Look at the number of people with full RRS access abusing the tool to make cashgrabs.

Ffs, some ignited games use RRS…


I meant to say, that if someone has a Desktop they will get a chip or maybe don’t add that chip :sweat_smile:


I think not adding it altogether would be better. :stuck_out_tongue:


Most of them would be very useful, but how would you use get is in club chip? You can already disable walk input by setting value to 0 in set walk speed chip


I know, I think they forgot to add it (Walk Input)


The inputs would be:

Player - Target Player

String - Club Name

Then the output would be:

Boolean - Is In Club

That’s the only way I could imagine it being used is for more people to join sponsored/community clubs, rewards, etc.


18 is a Solid NO have we not learned anything from the “Player is Subscribed” chip, same thing will happen where people will be blocked from entering a room until they join a club/giving “Join-to-Win” benefits by joining the club, there’s way more harm than good that can come from this


There’s also it’s benefits from it too though. It’s unfortunate that the cash grabbers and low effort creators ruined an opportunity like that for people that genuinely want to put chips like that to good use.


Well, personally, I do not know, there may be disadvantages, some of the chips that were proposed in this article look a little out of the box and a little unsafe. There have been cases with clubs with bans. I will say no to chip 18, and the rest look fine at the moment. :thinking:

  1. You could set that up yourself, but it would be useful to have as an easy solution to not have AFK players join games. Though, I believe having a ‘Player Get Last Interaction Time’ would be better to know how long the player has been AFK for, and letting creators determine when is too long.
  2. Yeah
  3. I don’t believe that’d be too useful apart from interactions with physical objects. It’d also cause some creators to force people to use their wanted body type, which some players may not know how to switch, or not want to switch body types.
  4. Yeah why don’t we have this.
  5. Would be cool to have.
  6. Yes, renamed ‘Rec Room Object Set Collision Enabled’
  7. Same case, ‘Rec Room Object Set Is Grabbable’ along with ‘Rec Room Object Set Grab Range’ though if the second one existed we wouldn’t need the first.
  8. Not much of a fan. You can disable new players from joining a room, but I don’t believe getting someone’s level would have great uses, especially since a level 30 could have more experience in a room compared to a level 50.
  9. Yeah.
  10. Not too sure if that’d be useful, since you could just put a tag on a replicated object. Also, ‘Rec Room Object Get Is Replicated Object’
  11. You can just do that with custom movement.
  12. You can also just do that with custom movement, or set walk speed to 0.
  13. Good idea, likely would be called “Rec Room Object Set Is Visible”.
  14. Also good idea, would be called “Rec Room Object Set/Get Scale”.
  15. ‘Player set/get is visible’ along with ‘Player set/get can push/ram’ would be wonderful to have since they were removed from Legacy Rooms.
  16. Probably not, you could just use a string switch for that.
  17. Not sure offers can have tags in the first place.
  18. No, that’d be the ‘Player Get Is Subscribed To Room Owner’ chip all over again.

Number 16 needs to be added. Because looks at the image


We need following chips,

Get Players in Room Count
Get Players in Subroom Count
Blocklist of Room
Delete All Players in Blocklist
Show Inventory Item
Set Chat Text Color
Set Chat Text Material
Set Hud Text Color
Set Subtitle Text Color
Set Subtitel Material

pls Recroom add some of this ideas :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


They already have "Inventory Item Get Image or Inventory Item Get Definition) I don’t understand what you mean about “Set Hud Text Color and Set Hud Text Color”


It’s a great idea especially with the afk


What would ‘Set Subtitle and Text Material’ do?


The color chip would change the text color of the subtitle UI.

Don’t know what the material chip would do, but it’d be cool to have a toggle setting to disable the transparent gray background of the subtitle UI.


Is change the text color from subtitle text or the text material from subtitel text like a normal text but in subtitel


few of these WILL be abused if added
mainly 18

i think we all remember what happened with the subscriber chip


Number 18 could be added but only to really trusted creators! No Cash Grabbers, maybe a subscriber limit like 2500+ and players who never received 1 or more room violations/strikes!