First Thoughts and Suggestions

This is my first post. This new forum website was a great idea and makes it easier to work together as a community. So far, I don’t have any complaints.

I have two suggestions:

  • This would be great place to transition talk of updates and things that are
  • It would be pretty helpful if a list of existing circuits was added
    somewhere in here. They would each have an explanation on how they
    work. Think of how Roblox has a list of each Lua command and how it
    works. The chips would say whether or not they are new.
    ~ Maybe you could display new, unreleased chips that you are fine with
    sharing publicly.

I would love an official list of chips. There are some legacy lists of circuits posted by devs on RecRoom’s blog, but they have not been updated since.

Many chips already have an “I” icon for more information about the chip, and I’m sure they could add those descriptions to whatever large table of chips they come up with. There could also be categories (like in the makerpen) to organize and discover chips when your outside of RecRoom.

Hypothetically, there is an document with Rec Room chips & setups that the community has managed/added too.