Cannot generate navmesh on Unity objects?

I don’t seem to be able to generate the navmesh for my room.
It generates navmesh on makerpen objects, but not on Unity objects. Which my entire room consists of. And I do not want to make everything a Studio object because that would be way less performant.

And I’d love to be able to use the pathfinder but that only works if I can bake the navmesh.

Am I doing something wrong or does navmesh just not generate on Unity objects?


Odd, I generated a Navmesh over a RRS dungeon a couple days ago. I’ll check if I have any odd settings on that aren’t default but I doubt it.

Im pretty sure i saw something about this a while ago, are you using mesh colliders?
If you are, try turning on read/write on the meshes then bake the navmesh

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Navmesh baking should be including Unity scene objects. Could you file a bug with the Rec Room Studio menu> Report a bug… form? Knowing how you’ve set up your subroom’s gameobjects would be helpful.

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