Uhm... little help? (VIP gift system for another player, remember who has a VIP and automatically give a role)

Hello ladies and gentlemen! I can’t remember how to make a VIP gift system (that is, give a VIP to another player using consumable) and I don’t know how to make sure that when a player enters the map, he is immediately given the VIP role automatically. Could you help me? It is advisable to take a photo of the schematics of these systems. If anything, I’m working with CV2.

Thank you so much in advance!

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Both the user giving it and the user receiving it must be in the same room instance.

You will need a custom event and a cloud variable at minimum to handle the interaction… to fool-proof it, you will need another event to “send confirmation” back to the giver about whether it succeeded (and if not within a short time window, refund the giver).


Oh! Yes, that’s right! I remembered) Thank you very much.