Send a message to mods

If I wanted to send a subtitle message to only staff members in my room, like during an event, how would I do that? I have everything else connected exactly how I want it to work, but when it sends out the subtitle, it sends it to everyone in the room


Make an event that sends to “ALL” players in the room. On the receiving end of that event, use the “Is Room Mod, Is Room Host” chips to filter if they are a staff member, do this with an “OR” chip and an “iF”, connect this into your subtitle you want to display, and make sure it’s display to the local player.

If you would like images for help, just ask! I couldn’t right now, as I’m playing gorilla tag. :skull:

Hope this helps!

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Thank you! Would you like to take a look at my circuits?

Send a picture of your circuits!

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@NGCreate i feel like a noob lol no clue if this gonna work :grimacing:

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Here’s how I was imagining it.

Make sure your event sender is set to target “ALL”.

Hope this helps!


It does! I almost had it! Thank you! :pray: