The "Player Prompt Text" Chip is annoying

In my room, you can click on a button to submit a codes that give you rewards. You have to manually type the code though and we’re using the “Player Prompt Text” Chip to do it. Except, the actual type bar is way too faint to see, especially on VR. I’ve seen many people in the room get really confused on what they’re supposed to do to input a code in.

Make it so the type bar is easier to see, because it blends in with the watch too much. And also make it automatically bring up the keyboard when on VR so players understand they have to type something

This happens because you have RRS post processing in the room. You can use prompt local player chip that has old UI

It also half works :sob:

We are supposed to be talking about the post

@BearDaBear But I like the maker pen skin