This request is pretty straight forward, But it would be a major quality of life feature. Having the ability to lock trigger volumes. the classic trigger volume had a Trigger Once Toggle. While i don’t think that should be the case with the mdern trigger volume. I think there should be some ports for Locking a trigger volume, just like how the interaction volume does it.
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need this
You can just create a system using boolean variables to allow and deny executions coming from an active trigger volume.
From the output of your trigger volume, connect an “if” chip to it’s outputs.
Then with a boolean variable, connect it’s value to the “if” chip’s condition’s.
With this setup, based on the boolean variables current value, it will either, allow executions from the trigger volume, or ignore them.
And with this, you can use additional logic chips to filter for roles, tags and names. Hope this helps!
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I know. but i just think a built-in lock would make creation much quicker!