Player Get Junior Chip?

this would be very useful for karaoke games. as many juniors are able to go up on stage and not sing at all! plus, creators may want some parts of their rooms blocked off from juniors!


You can disable juniors joining in room settings


You can do this making a trigger volume at the spawn, disable it for juniors, and every time someone enters register a bool variable ‘13+’ as true


im aware, but its simply annoying, a chip would be so much more useful!


Me too I am making a hotel as well as a teamwork survival forest room but thay need mic to like book their room for the hotel, communicate to survive. I would find it very useful

This would be useful, but a chip like this is very Tricky for many reasons. I can definitely see some uses though, but I feel like it would get abused somehow.

I could use this for AwakenFields. Right now, there is a way for players to write their bios, and I don’t want juniors to see other people’s bios or write their own bios.


You can sorta do it with Trigger Volumes. They have a “Junior Enabled” option that won’t detect Juniors if it’s turned off.

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same with CV2 volumes, if im not mistaken


Just checked it, you’re right. Makes it way easier then. Was thinking you’d need to make some CV1/CV2 converter :sweat_smile:


you can use a custom cv2 thing, (functions) for the system. when spawned, it saves circuits.

MurderV3 actually has a function for this (To force Hide Blood and Hide Photosensitivity FX settings on for juniors)

The function is just checking if a trigger volume which has Junior Enabled turned off and encases the entire map contains the local player


gonna use this, thanks

my chip now /j