Remove Inviting Entire Friends List

The feature for players to invite their entire friend list to play a game has been abused since the moment it came out, leading to unbalanced and unsafe conditions for creators.
It’s unbalanced as it redirects traffic from Rec Room’s algorithm, which aims to promote newer rooms, and gives large creators with big friend lists an unfair advantage over smaller and newer creators. Imagine if large YouTube channels could spam notifications to all of their subscribers about a new video, that would be completely broken, as it is in Rec Room.
It’s unsafe as many creators have marked themselves as “promoters” and promise to spam invite their friend lists in rooms in exchange for co-owner privileges, which is unsafe as many see room promoters as the only option when it comes to boosting rooms, causing them to give permissions to people they may not deem safe otherwise.
Room “promoters” and creators who abuse this feature not only damage Rec Room’s recommendation algorithm, but also put new and experienced creators at both a disadvantage and at a risk.


Along with all of this, “promoters” and creators who have abused this feature also cause low quality rooms to be suggested more, worsening the experience for players. Low quality rooms that wouldn’t be suggested much by the Rec Room recommendation algorithm are given tons more traffic than should be possible by their owners spamming invites.

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I didn’t even know this feature existed! I guess I know now why I got invited every minute to some brainrot map.

They need to get rid of this, but i’d say just unfriend the people who do it or turn off invite notifications.

Honestly along with this, they should add another feature which gives you invite notifications from options you choose such as, (Friends—Favorite Friends—Party)

That could also help “Rectubers” substantially.

I’m all here for this bro. The only reason Rec Room is littered with cashgrab is because scummy promoters ride off other creators and can just mass invite thousands of people and essentially have a massive boost over everyone else. I know people with only one invite that can fill up a whole page of instances with JUST one invite. It would be nice to see other forms of advertisement implemented like the roblox advertisement you can pay for, or a better/interactive way to show off feature rooms. Also more category’s specific to the game type. Tycoon, Pvp, Simusktor, New, up and coming, popular, ect

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