Hi, I just want to share my ideas for FBA items.
1. Roller Skates
Imagine having actual roller skates in VR, with wheels on the bottom of the shoes. And when you move while you’re wearing them, the legs will play a skating animation and the footstep sound will be replaced by the wheels rolling on the ground. I know there’s already skates in the Barbie collection, but you can’t put them on your feet, but I think actually wearing the skates on your feet is a better idea for FBA.
When you hold the Sprint button on whatever device you’re on, you can actually speed up faster and faster, but not too fast. Release the sprint button to put on the brakes.
Where to find them:
Customize >>> Shoes >>> (the shoes tab will be seperated into two categories: Normal Shoes and Skates.)
2. Rolled up Sleeves
This idea is gonna change how people wear long-sleeved shirts in Rec Room. Imagine a slider in the customize menu where you can roll up the sleeves of your shirt.
(It has to have long sleeves to enable this feature.)
3. More eyes.
This idea is inspired by Rec Room’s FBA Concept art. Basically I think the Bean Body eyes on Full Body aren’t really good, to be honest, and I want to make them different on FBA. Here’s the link to the full article I made.
I hope you like those ideas and I hope they get added into the game.
If you wanna see my other topics, click on one of the links below:
Movie inspired Avatar Studio UGC Idea (PLZ AVOID COPYRIGHT)
Brainrot is becoming a problem in Rec Room
Uploading Audio, Videos, and Images from devices without studio