This post is very simple, a request to have the ability to stack Avatar Items!
This would be awesome to unlock a bit of creativity when outfitting your avatar.
A few issues I have noted with this however are:
A ridiculous amount of stacked items.
Increased draw calls and memory usage.
Really really goofy outfits >:(
But I think some of those can be mediated by setting mutually exclusive tags on specific items, and placing a hard limit on the number of stacked items you have on your avatar.
Here are some posts below that this feature would directly impact:
I agree. Some features I would love to see for avatars are;
The ability to use different earrings per ear, like you can with gloves
Shoulder and Back accessories to be in separate categories
The ability to wear cuffs with any gloves that don’t already cover the “wrist” area
The ability to change our pants separate from our shirt on bean avatars
More control over our body shape in FBA
More detailed versions of some of the hairstyles (cough coughthe undercut…cough cough)
Rounded edges on the new bean hands, like how we had on the classic bean hands
Custom watches, both the band and the clock itself. I’d love to see options for digital watch styles over the traditional dials, too.
Setting custom party colors
And finally, removing the inconsistent wristbands in activities with teams. I don’t like how it removes our gloves, especially considering the fact that they don’t even show up on the new beans. Even worse, only the left one shows up on FBA.
long list lol, sorry
i wasn’t sure where else to post this and i feel this is a relevant post
Hey, imagine making the RR watch look like the Yo-Kai Watch. (If you don’t know what that is, it’s an anime franchise that’s uber popular in Japan and it also has a 3ds game series. I live in the US, but I know what it is.