World Space Grid Snapping Acting Weird

What device/platform are you having the problem on?

Meta Quest 2

Were you alone or with other players?


How often does the issue occur?


Room Name


Subroom Name



I was snapping circuits in place on a new piece of cube I had just laid out on top of my circuits wall, when I noticed something was off with the text on the comment chip. I tried snapping everything in place and it all appeared to be snapped perfectly in place according to my settings and the method I used, but the text was still off even tho everything else was lined up on world grid. Only way to fix it appears to be by letting the rotate snap move and going back to being lined up on world grid. Never had this happen until today, I got it all on video by accident


2 minute video of it happening

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Reminds me of when my squares weren’t square also from what i know this has been happening for a little while and is more prominent in rooms 2.0 rooms