Tube Has Been Broken For Weeks Now

What device/platform are you having the problem on?

meta Quest 3

Were you alone or with other players?


How often does the issue occur?

Every time I try to create a straight like with grid or no grid

Room Name

Any room

Subroom Name

Any room


Whenever you try to create a straight tube with grid or no grid it rotates to the side resulting in not being able to create anything that’s clean/smooth. I expected for it to be fixed right away but it has made building a PAIN!


Yes, I’ve experienced this too at times, when creating new tubes, they start to rotate about the axis between the two points, slowly turning, making it impossible to make anything line up correctly.

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I’ve been calling it tube tilt, cause it happens when you tilt your hand back and forth while creating tube (VR)

It’s a pain to fix, but if your makerpen settings are on grid and world space, you can adjust the tube nodes to line back up on world grid usually with 1 click to each axis

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Thanks for posting this! any estimate on how long this bug has been out there? or did it just pop up this week?


Last time I remember this happening to me was 10 days ago.

However I feel confident this has been around for at least 2 months. (but I’d take that with a grain of salt, not 100% sure.)


Ive had this happen to me on and off for 4 years
Though it is worse now

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I’ve been trying this but for some reason it doesn’t work for me!

Sometime before the video contest! I don’t have an exact day but it has been around for quite awhile and I made a ticket about it!

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@ChillWillVR If you have your rotation snap set to 15° and rotate the tube node does it not align correctly?


I haven’t tried aligning it with a 15 degree rotation snap on world space, but I know it aligns with world space on 45 degrees, and since 15 goes into 45, it should work the same way if my math is mathing correctly.

This issue occurred on 8/20, right after that update. My build partner messaged me wondering why she couldn’t get her makerpen to make tube correctly anymore, even though her settings were on world space and grid lock at 45 degrees rotation snap, and I just confirmed the date from looking back in our messages. That was the first time it has ever happened, as far as I’m aware.


This :point_up:


ive had this happening for years ive just gotten used to it



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I’ve also been experiencing this for the past few months! :pensive: I hope it can get fixed one of these days.


@ChillWillVR @NGCreate @Harmaceuticalz @Rooster_8075 @6P06 @Ic3edTea Good news! I show this bug is now fixed in our internal builds and should be shipping sometime in mid Nov if everything goes smoothly with our ship cycle. Keep an eye out on the ship notes for this fix and once its live let me know back here if its working for you or if you’re still seeing issues.


Shawn, you don’t know how much I love you for this, thank you! :sob:


Ok the fix went out for this yesterday Nov 13th: “For VR players using grid snapping, twisting your arm while you’re drawing a ribbon or tube no longer twists them, removing those strange twists and turns of shapes that randomly showed up.”

Are yall seeing its fixed after you get the update?

It’s fixed! Thank you Shawn, this helps us a lot!

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:saluting_face: no prob!