If this is already a thing and I just haven’t figured out how to do it yet, please let me know
I’d like to be able to transform/move a pivot point around its object instead of always having to move the object around the pivot point. This would come in handy especially when editing the grab point for an object to face the correct way. Like a sword, custom drinks, pink glowing wizard staff with a unicorn rainbow trail. Etc.
Or for people like me who are kinda OCD and always makes the pivot point face the correct way on even non grabbing objects
With that being said, I think there was a bug earlier this year where you could accidentally move your pivot point after editing out of an object in limits v2, cause I did it once but could never get it to do it again, and when I discovered this, moving the pivot point with the transform tool threw the object out of existence just like from my post about the laser found here
The only way i know how to move a pivot is to make a shape in the place you want the pivot press options and set pivot to center of shape witch sets the pivot to the center of my selected shape.
I’m assuming your talking about rooms 1.0 You’ll need to rotate the entire object to be aligned with the world space, then rotate all objects inside the container back to their original rotation. In rooms 2.0 you can just move the pivot point like an object