Given that people can make comments in rooms, there isn’t an option for developers or moderators to reply back to them. If it’s a reply chain, then the messages linked will be compressed into a neat little folder icon to reduce clutter.
In general there need to be more updates for the feedback tool. The menu is still on the old 3D UI (how i miss you so ) and for as long as i’ve played Rec Room has had a bug where when you type past the visible text box, your text isn’t followed at all so you have to rely on the yellow subtitles that appear on your screen to make sure you’re spelling right, and for some reason it starts typing everything past this point before the first letter that passed it? So if your message said “Hello world” at the end, and the word “Hello” started being typed outside of the text box, it would end up as “Hllo world!e”. 5 years or more this has been an issue.
We need an upgraded feedback tool UI, longer room comments, maybe some slight modding of room comments, and the ability to (as a player) set if your comment is public or private, or (as a creator) if comments in your room can be either public or private.