Switch from Audio to Audio (CV2)

Is there a way to switch easily between audio samplers? I’m looking to add music for my club, so that when one sampler ends, the next one starts immediately. I also want it to start when the room loads and for it to loop back to the first sampler after the last one finishes. If you know how to do this or what circuits to use, please let me know!


Hi @KatyA7X, you can do this with this simple circuit graph!

Connect your two(or more) audio samples to the value integer switch, and set the modulo to however many samples you have. Make sure the “Value Integer Switch” has a 0 port as that is the first audio that will play.

When the first audio sample completes, the audio player will execute it’s “Play Finished” it will cycle to the next audio, and it repeats using the modulo chip.

Lastly, configure your audio player however you’d like your audio to play in your room. Hope this helps!


Thank you so much :pray: