How can i wire multiple circuits at once?

just to make it more easier than wiring individually.


I dont think that you can do this

Unless your talking about a sequence but i dont think you are

I think you should make a feature suggestion about this though!

You cannot do this, I made a suggestion about this about a year ago on zendesk, I think I’ll resurface it here.


I could see this being useful if you were using audio chips or something that was of the same output type like Player ports

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This’d be very complicated for someone to learn. Multiple wires at once somewhat requires you to precisely set the location of each wire. It’d get annoying having to scope over the wires again and again.

My opinion, of course.

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The output would have to be selected first, then from there, just like the animation controller in Rooms 2, you’d have to select the inputs that you want to run the single output to. Player ports would be the most used if this were to become a manual tool that we could use. However, the “if player is local” comes in handy in this situation since you don’t have to run the player output to every single player input in the circuit chain (fly key and role activated on player joined, etc.)


Hey @0_3113 I’ve made a feature request for this, go vote for it here! :smiley: