Audio <List> Variable

I think players could benefit from this becoming a chip as it would make music playlist much more cost efficent and allow alot more features that require difficult ways to create to become much simpler for example a shuffle systems in order to shuffle a music playlist now youll need to tinker with the index but with an audio list variables all you would need to do is shuffle the variable itself making it so much simpler

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I just use a creat list and a random from list

Alas that isnt a proper shuffle thats just selecting a random one

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I generally don’t like having more obscure variables being added, but it seems like RecRoom already has many, so this would be nice for those small use cases.

However, you can achieve this same behavior that uses nearly the same amount of CPU usage by creating a list of integer’s from 0 to (however many audios), shuffle that list, then use the integer variable stored in each index as your index for your preset list of audios.

Hope that helps!

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I am aware of that but why do that when it could be simpler with a quick list variable :man_shrugging: