I want a way to make music or sound effects in rec room instead of using the audio player to have music be in a room. Something along the of My Singing Monsters where there is a island that you can create your own music.
You could do something similar to audio applications and record instruments, vocals, etc. through your microphone into an Audio Sample.
Microphones aren’t the most reliant though, for quality reasons.
This is interesting. Are you proposing a tool to synthesize sounds inside of RecRoom? It would make for an interesting kind of room where people can create and play around with music.
Although, this seems like it would take a lot of work to implement into RecRoom for a small use case. I can think of one way to do this already with Audio Samplers.
You could take a few kinds of pure tones, kicks and base hits and play them at different pitches for a variety of sounds players can control an combine in some console.
you can pretty much cheat around the quality by playing a slowed down sample of the same audio, then speeding the recording up in-game.
(as long as it is within a 5 minute range, best to do this in a pc)
i do this trick with almost all of my creations.
Hmm, maybe there could be a chip that contains an MP3 or wav file you uploaded from whatever device you’re on (PC, Quest, Phone, Console, etc.), and you can connect it to an audio player.