Offline Time Chips / Instance Chip

Offline Time Chips
Time Since Local Player last joined Instance
Time Since local player last joined game

Anything regarding these chips would be really helpful

Player Get is In room
Works like a “Player get by account name”
Input player port and output bool true/false

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I’m pretty confident you can already create the functionality you’re looking for inside of RecRoom with the current chips at our disposal. I’m not sure what RecRoom’s stance is on the applicability of chips as I find adding more niche chips that can already be achieved is just adding more bloat to the hundreds of chips.

“Time Since Local Player Last Joined Instance” - You can setup a 30hz to save the current universal seconds integer list variable in the cloud, just assign a unique ID to each instance that is synced across the whole instance. Next time they join, save that integer to a seperate variable, that will be the time they last joined.

“Time Since Local Player Last Joined Game” - Same thing, but without the list variable and unique instance ID.

“Player Get Is In Room” - Use " Get Player By Account Name" and an “Is Valid” chip, this will return whether or not the player is inside the current instance. I find that this would be a pretty pointless chip however as it only takes 2 chips to recreate, however if you’re meaning across the entire room, that’s more related to global variables, which are a long awaited feature and would be nice to have, it would retroactively solve this.

Hope this helps!

Yeah something like global variables would be great. Thanks.