Suggestion: "Global Variable" chip

I would believe RecRoom would need to ratelimit this chip, but it would be cool if it could support tables, too.

Read Global Value to simply just read the value, use minimal heat, and if it returns a rateLimit, you’re checking the Global Value too fast and it’ll just keep the last result that you have read.

Set Global Value, will attempt to set this value for all available rooms, including into the future, if it fails, it’ll simply return the result that is still set, uses slightly more heat as it’s both attempting to set the value, and get what the value is now set to.

Then for all rooms, an event receiver saying this value has just been updated and to use this information as needed.

I would probably also say that Global Values are probably going to be persistant? Or is it going to be volitile. In which RecRoom could provide two different options. ‘Saved Global Value’ and ‘Global Value’… Saved Global Values would be persistant, even when no instances are available.

Edit: As a suggestion on the Event Receiver upon a Global Value being updated and for both Read/Set, to have another output variable of the Instance ID that has set this variable, so that a chip like this can teleport a player to that instance. Imagine an event in one instance that only starts when a player bought a consumable and activated it, then the event runs for 30 minutes etc. Or simply being able to say ‘(name) started a global instance event! Good luck!’ etc, in which all instances start an event.