May include another suggestion, what if you want to start another instance, and teleport that player to the instance?
Just being that you can only make an instance ID with the subrooms in the room, and the fail execution results just to allow the room creator to have a message that something went wrong, RecRoom bug, etc, and RecRoom wasn’t able to reserve an InstanceID.
And for RecRoom, InstanceID’s to last about 1 minute upon creation, and if no players in that InstanceID, then to be discarded.
I’d probably absolutly love this ‘preload’ chip if its possible, so that creators that love to make hub rooms, similar to how creators on Roblox have ‘main lobbys, stand here to join a group to join a subroom to play’
Would be simply to help the end users device load into this instance faster by having it predownloaded to join.
Then creators that make hub rooms, just connect this preload chip upon the player joining, then once everyone is in that group, generate an instanceid, and force teleport each individual player to that instanceid!