Do you think RRS will be way more powerful in the future, when it’s rolled out to everyone? (Either full access and game development towards Unity, or something else…)
Will There Ever Be An Update To Animation Controls Like A Better Linier Mode And New Easing Modes Like A Constant Snap Or A Bouncy Snap?
This was a great listen. Great job on more community centric events like this that seem low friction to run.
Ok sorry Shawn I will edit it later to make sure it’s good
Would you ever let us create UGC weapon and item skins now that Avatar Studio is coming out?
I could be wrong on this, but I’m pretty sure I heard somewhere that they aren’t going to add this.
Also, gribbly’s creator AMA concluded wednesday, I missed it so I’m patiently waiting till they release a recording of it!
Should be soon!
In case anyone missed it the video recording and transcript of the Oct Creator AMA with Gribbly is here! October Creator AMA - video recording and transcript + TLDR answers
Sorry I’m not sure how we missed this question since I did initially bring it over into my list to ask. But I think it should be answered here where we discuss:
When or will synced lists and synced cloud variables be made?
What is the status of master objects / prefab objects?
^ especially here Audzilla mentions that when it comes to cross instance signals data tables will be the first thing we work on, then we may expand outward into other cross instance features from there
Sorry I’m not sure how we missed this question since I did initially bring it over into my list to ask. Last time I remember us discussing this internally the reason we (and many other games) cant allow direct secondary currency transactions is because you run up against issues in safety / money laundering laws. The closest you can get in most games is gifting items to someone since those items can’t be easily cashed out. Or you can buy a friend gift cards then they can use that to get the tokens direct to their account. If you can exchange tokens / currency directly between accounts and cash that back out into USD or other currencies you hit a lot of regulations.