Then what about the Discord Invite, they have to join the Discord server to get a code. OR what if someone put the code, “You need to join Discord to play the game” or something like that?
We need global varibles
Yep we do! Vote for it here> Room Events and Room Variables
We already have a “Go To Event” or you were talking about another topic
“Room Events” as in Global Event Definitions that send and receive events across sub-rooms.
Make sense
More chip idea
- Set Chat Enabled
- Set Voice Enabled
- Set Player Banned
- Set Player Kick
- Set Local Player Body Scale and Local Player Get Is Body Scale.
- Get Local Player FPS
- Local Player Get Is Junior
- Badget Constant
- Player Award Badget
- Player Get Next XP
- Player Get Graphics Quality
- Player Get Language
- Set Hot Picks Enabled
- Player Get Is Microphone On
- Set Rec Room Object Color
- Player Joined Notification (It will show a notification on the bottom right)
- Player Get Is Pride Badge
- Set Pathfinder Run Forever (It is like without Update 30hz to not stop following you)
- Get Is Room Visit Count
- Get Is Cheers Count
- Get Is Favorites Count
- Get Is Room Title
- Get Is Room Description
- Player Get Bio
- Player Avater Get Is UGC ( I think this is a bad idea)
- Set Food Enabled
many of these dont seem like very good ideas (in terms of what griefers could do with them)
no, it is a good idea. Only the owner can send input. If someone tried to search a Banned chip they won’t see the chip. If someone finds a chip around the map and tries to send input, they will get an error called “Sorry Only Owner Can Send an input” It is like a Room Permission Setting
What if the room owner isn’t in the room but they want to automate the process of for example, automatically kicking glitchers?
or are you talking in terms of manually executing the chip and also disallowing the others to make new connections ex. buttons? Also, couldn’t the person just execute a different part of the circuit to cause an execution of the unpermitted chip? I also don’t think recroom has a thing to determine whether a circuit was manually executed by a person rather than executed by an world defined event like player joined.
The only way I could think of using these unpermitted chips would be for like an event ex. a talk show
If you have your circuits inside of a custom circuit board, like how I have my custom made anti-cheat, you can configure the custom circuit board and under the configure menu is an option to “contributor lock”. When you contributor lock the custom circuit board, it keeps everyone including mods from being able to edit in to the circuit board or even select it. Just tested this out in my room. @Belldofers
I was mostly regarding the circuit execution but also you answered part of what i said.
- Player Joined Notification (It will show a notification on the bottom right)
instead of a chip they should just redesign the join message so it doesn’t take up a third of the screen
- Player Get Is Level (Your RR Level)
Maybe the chip name could be “Player Get RR Level” because “Player Get Is Level” sounds like your doing an if statement like
owo, this is a bugcrowd test message
I don’t really understand by what you mean with # 15 / # 16.
I need more of an explanation on the “Offer” component. lol
Some of these could be so helpful, the ones that really got me interested were “player get is afk” and “player get is level”.
Great idea! Rec Room will not add #18. Player is in Club. This wont work and will barely be used. The rest will probably be debated with.
Random Feedback, Can we have “Delete Circuit Everything” on Maker Pen Settings?
Could you make this into a separate feature request post? We created a new template and ask creators to put one thing per feature request post (Each of your chip requests would be individual posts with an explanation of what the chip would do), since it lets us follow-up on each requests individually. =]
Thanks Jay, here you can vote "Delete Circuit Everything" on Maker Pen Setting