Rotation of player on shapes

So this came to me from a post about the set gravity chip and it made me think what if the player could rotate like upside-down or sideways kind-of like the gravity of a planet so i could make a player walk on a circle and walk all the way around!

Heres some examples

Imagine haveing big planets you can walk around or gravity based parkour!

Heres another example

Being able to walk on walls for cool puzzles would be cool to!

I think this would probably just be a setting on shapes or a circuit letting people walk on shapes without there body breaking or them being able to walk on the surface in general!


Using this for gravity-based parkour sounds pretty cool


This honestly sort of reminds me of the Super Mario Galaxy games


I think this might be minimally do-able with RRS?

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Its possible but the players body stretches and bends in very not great ways they also cant walk on the objects either
[The same happens with the holotar for some reason so i had to edit these photos heavily]

I’m pretty sure this cannot be done with RRS. RecRoom will have to allow creators to modify the players camera and local world orientation.

I’m unsure how this would work in VR without being a little disorienting. Perhaps when they snap to another surface, they can use their rotate stick to look upwards(upwards and back direction are unused on the rotate stick in VR).

Neat post though!

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I need this. No joke 100%


Fr fr

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You could employ some circuitry tricks to make this gimmick possible. Unfortunately we can’t yet detect attempted movement of a player in a seat, but you could totally simulate movement based on them putting their hands forward or something, and make custom movement mechanics by moving the seat and changing its rotation based on the normal of the ground beneath it. You could even incorporate jumping by detecting when a player leaves the chair, and the instantly seating them again while activating whatever jumping mechanics you make.

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I miss them.

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