TLDR Let VR players reposition items again (without extendo) because without it it’s annoying to play and it has broken some games.
recently VR players have lost the ability to reposition items in our hands which did break some games and, makes holding items less intuitive and more frustrating in VR.
I am aware the reason to this is that people would extendo items far away but i’m sure this can be fixed.
Personally I liked having a grenade closer to the top of my fingers before tossing and I can’t do that now.
For one of my in-development games you would hold a globe in your hands and you be able to rotate it to go to a new location, can’t do that now.
I understand wanting to level the playing field but Rec Room started as a VR GAME and it’s starting to feel like a poorly ported screen game (the lag on VR especially doesn’t help).
When I started playing i thought VR players get to move items in their hands was intended, and now that it’s gone rec room feels uncomfortable to play.
Cheers -itsdinocraft