Implementing Player Camera Control in Rec Room

Alright, this is something I’ve been thinking about for a while, and I even wrote about it, but I couldn’t find a suitable solution for it.

It’s about controlling the player’s camera (POV).

I mentioned some points, such as:

1.	How it can be used.
2.	How to provide it without allowing players to exploit or glitch it.

Does it go like this?

Q1: How can it be used?

You could design better horror games, such as:


•	Moving the camera when opening a door or placing the camera in the corner of the room, switching gameplay from 1st person to 3rd person.
•	Or designing 2D games.

This would be a significant change in rooms within Rec Room.

Q2: How can players be prevented from exploiting it?

Players can open the watch menu at any time, even if the room controls the player’s camera.

“Of course, the idea won’t be complete if only one person is thinking about it, so help us come up with more ideas. Besides, you want this feature too, right?”

  • Rakan

I really like this idea

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This would be really nice to have, it would make my current implementation of this much easier.

You can currently do this with seats, and with the addition of the “update” event receiver you can do this by inverting the seats quaternion orientation(S) and inversing the target orientation (T) and multiplying the local camera rotation by T and multiply that quaternion result by S, the inverse of that quaternion result will be get your seat orientation!

Quaternions are not always the most fun things to deal with, so having something do this for you already would be great.

For screen mode however, you can do this with RRS by using a HUD canvas and a camera. Not really possible in VR since that requires rendering to two eyes separately. I like this suggestion!


interesting! i am working on this feature right now!
I will show info asap

Working on a game right now where this would be incredibly useful. This actually used to be possible with Studio through some weird exploit, but it’s been patched for a while now.

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