Whenever you want to create a dark room (like complete darkness) most materials have a reflection in the dark, with the exception of black cardboard for instance. This causes it to be, not actually dark what-so-ever and ruins the whole point of trying to make a dark room because the materials just reflect light that isn’t actually coming from anywhere.
I call this shiny shapes and its good for some things but horrible for others i think this is a great idea!
This would be really nice, however I’m not sure how this would work.
I believe all the the materials in RecRoom are part of an atlas texture, which means all of the textures, normals and specular maps are baked in.
I think a better solution to this would be custom textures/materials inside of RecRoom. I think I’ll make a seperate post about this later but the idea is giving creators the ability to use custom materials with textures in-game or imported from RecRoom Studio and useable as materials on RecRoom objects.
They are not apart of an atlas texture FYI, they all have their own material and texture files for each material and type of map.
I was gonna request this then forgot lol instantly voted tho