Moderation circuits


I suggest these chips because of ^MurderV3, which has very special moderation cases that I can’t completely rely on RecRoom for, like kicking players if they change their display name mid-game, or temp-banning players who receive too many auto-moderation strikes for glitching outside the map

Because each game on RecRoom is different, I had the idea of moderation circuits that have the ability to kick or temp-ban players for a limited duration. This way creators can make their own auto-moderation systems for their rooms that may need to kick players for breaking the rules of their game

Currently, the only way we can use circuits for sending someone to their dorm is a Destination Room Constant and Go To Room, which I’m not yet sure is affected by being in a party. This also gives no information on why you were sent to your dorm. The best we can do is save the kick-reason in a cloud String Variable and display it to the user when they join back

New Chips

Kick Player, an executable chip that takes in a Player for the player you want to kick, and String for the reason for the kick. After executing this chip, the kicked player would be sent to their dorm room with the kick reason being the string given in the chip

Temp Ban Player, an executable chip that takes in a Player for the player you want to temp-ban, a String input for the reason for the ban, and either a Float or Int input for the duration of the ban (in seconds)


In order to prevent chip abuse (Rogue contributors, hackers, etc), I suggest a few things:

  • Room Owner and Co-Owners cannot be affected by the chip and get to choose up to what permission level can be kicked or temp-banned. By default it would be only the Everyone permission level. Chips return a warning log if the player you attempt to kick or temp-ban is too high of a permission level
  • A room-save is required for these chips to work. These chips will return a warning if executed before a room save. This would prevent hackers from spawning in these chips to ban all players in a room
  • A button in This Room > Settings > Moderation to unban all temp-banned players in-case your circuits were written wrong and banned players way longer then it should have. Would also help with unbanning all players if a rogue contributor made a circuit to temp-ban everyone for a long time
  • Forced Room Contributor Lock enabled so players with access to makerpen either because the room allows it or because they are hacking cannot use and modify existing and functional moderation chips to kick or temp-ban


Even if temp-banning players is too much, both because of risk and because changes would need to be made for room moderation, as temp-bans do not exist in RecRoom yet, I request we at least get the Kick Player chip, as it can cause no more harm than a vote kick can, and it would be a great step up for custom moderation tools in RecRoom

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While I do feel that these would be awesome in the game. But Scipters would use that to destroy maps more. I mean they can technically already take maps down, but Being able to ban everyone would probably be a lot worse.

Did you read the Safety section of my post? It details how we could avoid these problems

Also, the Compromise section is dedicated to talking about the same system without the temp-ban chip

I guess it might work, but I believe they could find a way around the save room thing. They could just spawn in scripted chips that have the code of a verified kick/ban chip then just execute it that way.