Inventory Item chips that allow us to mimic Consumables

Currently, Inventory Items are able to mimic Keys and Currencies, as all those are is checking “Does the player own these items, and how much of them do they own?”. Inventory Items are also able to be their own thing, actual Inventory Items, something that can be equipped and unequipped into inventory slots

There is still a feature we are missing, Consumables. Yes, we can give Inventory Items a “Use” ability, and better, we can even customize what this button says, but unlike Consumables, there is no way to activate or deactivate this button, something you could do with Consumable Activate and Consumable Deactivate

I propose a 2 new chips:

  • Inventory Item Set Use Enabled
    This chip would set if the usage button was enabled

  • Inventory Item Get Use Enabled
    This chip would get if the usage button was enabled

These chips would allow complete what allows creators to mimic Consumables, by toggling the active state of the usage button, preventing players from using an Inventory Item that’s been ‘activated’ by the circuits

Bonus, if possible

  • Inventory Item Set Use Button Text
    This chip would set the text of the usage button on the Room Inventory screen, allowing us to further mimic Consumables by changing the use prompt when ‘active’/‘de-active’, and more
  • Inventory Item Set Use Button Text
    This chip would get the text of the usage button on the Room Inventory screen

More functionality the better, inventory items are already amazing, why not add more onto it

yes sirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

also physical slot plz

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