I noticed that you added a property labled “Player” and then sent the event to all players then proceeded to check if the player is local. I think what you should do is instead of sending it to all players you should just send the event to the specific player which is a setting you can do in the event sender (it’s labled “Player”) so that you don’t haft to check if the player is local.
I did it this way because I found that the build it “Player” property was inconsistent when it was first released. I just kept using that method since, you can of course replace that if you remake it!
I can give it a try again and if it’s still buggy I’ll definitely create a post here.
However I found this method should never bug out and send to all players or a random player.
Sorry I have an obsession with making things as efficient as possible as in you checked if the player is local but there is a way to do that without the check which would cost less cpu and stuff because you didn’t use extra cpu for that check. I often get told that people find it annoying when I correct them with stuff and I can definitely see that for example I got banned from a room for telling the creators they used the wrong “your”.
Yeah I can see that with the execution switch although I can’t accurately decide what is most efficient if I don’t know how something works as in I know some programming languages that are compiled with an integer execution switch (or something similar) it turns it into some kind of like binary tree (I don’t know if that’s the right term) where it will half the possibilities until it reaches it’s conclusion but since circuits are interpreted does it do that or does it check each value one at a time because if it checks one at a time I’m making my own if else binary tree. Also I do this with not just the cpu but with the net as well.