Currently, in Rec Room, when you add a tag manually to an object, there is no way to edit the tag once it has been entered/created. I’m requesting an option where when you can click on a tag that is already on the object, it will allow you to edit the name of the tag, or maybe something like storefronts were there’s arrows and you can switch the place of were a tag is.
I’ll give you a reason as to why this Would be useful. Lets say your adding Multiple tags to an object, but you accidentally spell something wrong or put something in the wrong order. Well guess what you have to do? You have to delete ALL the tags until you got to where you made the mistakes then you have to retype ALL of your tags again.
Side note as I’m typing this it would also be nice if you could edit the name of a tag with Cv2, I’m unsure what kind of ports the circuit board would have, but something that somehow references the tag(s) and allows you to change it. Maybe index? you input the list of the tags? maybe works like a string replace were it finds the value and replaces it?