Tags on players are not instantly-updating for the local player

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Were you alone or with other players?

With other Players

How often does the issue occur?

100% of the time

Room Name


Subroom Name



Tags on players (and objects) are not instantly-updating for the local player when the local player is responsible for the change

When executing a chip like Remove Tag, Remove Tags, Add Tag, or Add Tags, the result will only be instant, for player or objects, if the Local Player is the Room Authority. Any other player will have to wait before receiving the changes

This also has very bad side effects, like in the case of removing multiple tags and then adding multiple tags.
If an object has say, 3 tags, [A1,B1,C1], and you remove all of those tags using Remove Tags, and the immediately after, using Add Tags to add tags [A2,B2,C2,D3,D4], even though the Room Authority would not have any issues here, any other player would run into the error Can't add 5 new tags because the tag limit (5) has already been reached.. This is because, even though the local player tried removing the tags FIRST, they didn’t get the changes instantly, and thus when they attempt to add 5 new tags, they get the error because they still think the object has 3 more tags

In ^MurderV3.TwoFernsMansion, where we are redoing the circuits for the game, this means a player cannot change their own role, and then instantly look at what their role is, this is a very big problem, as it means all important tag related chips, Get Tags, Has Tag, If Has Tag, Player Get First With Tag, and Players Get All With Tag wont be accurate for the local player, which breaks many mechanics of the game

I was under the impression this bug was fixed after my earlier topic, Ordering issue when removing and adding tags of non-local players

In order for us to keep working on our game, we need this fixed very urgently, as no workarounds exist that I know of

After further testing, it looks like this has been solved in RoomsV2, but that doesn’t change the fact no conversion tool exists and it doesn’t work in RoomsV1

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Everyone better upvote this bc murderV3 is :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

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