Being able to send data to/from an instance to an outside source for logs, information, leaderboard stats, and more, would vastly expand upon what creators could do in regards to saving backups of playerdata, let creators restore playerdata or modify it without the player present, creators to use database tools to see if anyone has cheated or log if a player has cheated by standing in areas they’re not supposed to, fully customizable leaderboards and more.
Surely, this feature would need to be ratelimited or even set that only the Room Authority can do HTTP requests, and that RecRoom would need to host a proxy and include headers like ClientAgent: RecRoomCV2, RoomName: ^RoomName, RequestingPlayer: PlayerAtName, etc.
Creators and players then could even interface with Discord webhooks or their own webhooks/webservers to log if players completed an event or players that help moderate rooms can use ingame tools to send a report from within RecRoom, and not have to tab out of window to add a warning to a player for misbehaving or being inappropriate.
Creators then could even improve upon sending multiple player position data for logging, and then using tools to heatmap where players love playing at in your own rooms, to see if you need to balance weapons or move weapons somewhere else to improve map footprint, or certain weapons that players like to hold the most, to consider ‘nerfing’.