Unable to remove myself from multiple rooms in my portfolio

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How often does the issue occur?



Various rooms I am in (according to my portfolio) I cannot remove myself from due to the Permissions tab being disabled in them. This also includes some rooms I have access to save the room and / or use the Maker Pen in.

My guess is that the lack of access to editing the Permissions is what is preventing me from removing myself.

(Edit: I forgot to mention that the two rooms I created on my own, thus I have Owner + Co-Owner on them, do not have this issue due to having the permissions)

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This used to be a bug, but they very recently fixed this in the latest update. Make sure you are in an instance of the room when trying to access the permissions tab.

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Thank you for the update on it. Hopefully no rooms will be VR-only (I don’t have a VR headset).