Some chips need to be added in Room 2.0

2 new chips that were added to that idea post. 1. Player Get Is AFK 2. Room Offer By Name

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More chip
Set Log String color
Set Player To Bean Body
Set Third Player Enable (I need it for my game)
Player Get Is Typing
Player Get Is RR+ (I think this is a bad idea)
Player Get Is Emoji (It like next to your username)
String Emoji
Set Player Teleport Enable
Show Player Avatar
Get Is Player Wearing Custom Shirt - UGC (I’m not sure is this a good idea)

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So i think you should just make separate posts about these its encouraged by the moderaters and the devs from what i know

Also i think the has RR+ chip is a better idea then you would think because unlike other chips like is subscribed this wouldn’t benefit the creator in anyway at all

The teleport chip needs to be VR only and the log string color??!

Yes “Set Log String Color” so I don’t have to make 5 Log strings to get the colour

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Now I get it

this would be nice to see!

player get is rr+ wouldn’t seem like a bad idea for a rec room devs pov, more money. Also I don’t think people would really abuse that, look at what happens on roblox, not much abuse of it, more of just extra boosts if you have premium. Now that I think of it, it may be used because it brings more people with a subscription to your game which means they will spend more.

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i feel being able to access the cpu and net usage would be good for optimizing your circuits to run at max speed

Hmm, maybe you’re right. Getting an RR+ chip would be nice

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Btw, if you mean “set player view to third person” by “set third player enable” I think that’s already a thing in beta, pretty sure I remember seeing it.


Yeah I know, using Update 30hz on “Local Player Request Third Person” is going to be weird

crazy how they actually added some stuff becaues of this post. I think the developers may like this forum a lot more than the discord version because it’s a lot easier to sort through and the voting system is better. They can see what people mostly want a lot easier.


I’m tired of all the ‘bad idea, don’t add it’ in regards for chips for features like Is In Club, Is Friends With, Is Following, etc…

Nearly all of these chip ideas that end up being arrowed down, end up limiting the creators creativity. Roblox gives you absolutly unlimited control in regards to do everything, even in regards for API’s they don’t offer, where creators can just interface their own API with HTTP servers etc.

Sure a popular map may include a Club Members only room to stand inside of. That shouldn’t be a reason why I then can’t use Club Members only rooms to showcase new features that may be coming soon to my room or offer my Club Members who support me, a way to teleport to a legacy version of my room for nostalgia.

It’s up to the players playing your room to have a good experience. RecRoom could simply just start limiting followers/friends as like Roblox does to avoid follow/friend farming.

Limit the number of clubs a player can be in, then they’ll have to decide if it’s really worth it to join this club.


Fair point but I think all this hatred stems from creators trying their hardest to abuse the system and leading to a “rich get richer and poor get poorer” type of scenario, the difference is that in rec room it’s easier to get players to play your room because of these exploitations and that’s why the community calls them “bad ideas”, kind of like how people will take one bad experience they had and mirror it onto other ideas. It’s the few that ruin it for the majority. Also rec room is seen as more of a community game rather than a “play” game but roblox is seen more as a place to make games and make money from those games, but from what I’ve seen most non-creators on rec room don’t know that you can make money from it which leads them to feel that the game isn’t as open as it should be to all people.

Therefore i feel that these “bad idea” chips should be allowed to be used only by people who have not recently had room violations kinda of like how you can get banned from making events.

I believe they plan on adding this at some point. They talked about it a few times and said you’d be able to do this sometime.

can you not config the log string chip to set its color?

Print Text to Screen would let you assign any color to the log you want to show, to show onto a log screen which is usually best for letting other players use their in-game camera to share error logs or room history, etc.

But if you’re still wanting to use Log String or Log Error just for log keeping, or to keep using Log String to spit all errors onto a Log Screen etc, you could do a trick like this.

In which the Log String chip is configured to the color, and the chip is recolored to know what color it was configured to, then you just send the string and pick an int for the color!

Yeah I just said “Yes “Set Log String Color” so I don’t have to make 5 Log strings to get the colour”

Ik about 5 log string. That’s just a waste of chip