Render Plane: Cv2 Display (Texture Manipulation of a plane with Circuits)

We should have a collisionless plane/quad called a “Render Plane” or something that can (but not all that needed) be configured to enter a width, height, & pixel size.

Expected behavior:

Unlike the art canvas, Changes would be implemented at a data level & displayed upon normal render time (can be updated multiple times within a frame), which shouldn’t limit it to almost 1 update every ~2 frames per marker. And have no bi-linear filtering


  • Fast:
    • Display for a camera, arcade, etc (would be way more practical/less laggy than a bunch of texts like my current Cv2 camera)
  • Custom markers:
    • Advanced bush shapes
    • Advanced permissions
      And probably even more i cant think of because i just pretty much listed my interests for it xD

Then given chips to interface with it:

  • Render Plane Set Size:
    Upon update, it should set the vertices of the plane: X = (Width * 0.5) * Pixel Size, Y = (Height * 0.5) * Pixel Size. & create a new image of #000000 of length Width * Height that is set as the planes texture.
    • Inputs:
      • Width: Int
      • Height: Int
      • Pixel Size: Float
    • Outputs:
      • (None)
  • Render Plane Get Size:
    • Inputs:
      • Target: Render Plane
    • Outputs:
      • Width: Int
      • Height: Int
      • Pixel Size: Float
  • Render Plane Get Pixels:
    Pair with list get element to get a pixels color. & pair with list set element to set a pixel color. & for those who need the abstraction, more chips can be made, or you can just use the formula directly: (Y * Width) + X if X & Y is more intuitive for you
    • Inputs:
      • Target: Render Plane
    • Outputs:
      • Color: List<Color>
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this gave me an idea, what if recroom made a way to create voxels