Rec Room Studio is Expanding!

Minor voice-related bans, such as a one-hour voice ban, should not significantly affect your overall moderation status. As long as your account remains in good standing and does not accumulate major violations, you should be fine. However, it’s always wise to review the specific guidelines and policies of the platform you are using to fully understand how these bans may impact your account.

Luckily I have gotten access, I know I have RR+ right now, but before I did I was lucky to be selected :slight_smile:


Im still waiting for mine to do that.

Hello, I would like to know why I don’t have the rrstudio when I have everything I need to have it and every day I look on the site nothing could you tell me when it will be released for me and other players thank you Have a good day/evening


Only 5% of creators have RRS right now
You most likely do pass the requirements but RR is trying to moderate the amount of people going into studio, slowly adding more and more over time

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If I buy rec room+ right now, will I instantly get access to rec room studio?

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No thats not how it would work

Its going to take some time for people to get it and RR+ isnt a requirement anymore so you dont need it for RRS :ok_hand:

It wouldnt change when you get it

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So right now I can’t use rec room studio unless I have it for free?

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Sadly Yes. But! thats only untill Rec Room expands access to more then 5% of creators!

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i already got banned from the game for at least 8 days once, and after checking the website in the past it says i have to wait 2 years before accessing rrs. is this still in effect or does it change with these new requirements


You need to have no recent negative moderation actions in the past 90 days

can the country of residence influence the receipt of rec room studio? I just received information that all players from Russia will not receive the studio, because they allegedly will engage in propaganda through it, although my opinion is that propaganda should be included in the list of what you can complain about the room. You shouldn’t mix politics and arrange discrimination based on nationality.

well, for reference, you can organize propaganda in the room in the following ways:

  1. display national symbols via meiker pen.
  2. broadcast anthems and other propaganda content via sample audeo.
  3. output the same thing via text screan.
    in short, the ban on the studio will not reduce the amount of possible national propaganda.
    but it can only cause hostility towards the administration of the rec room, if the topic turns out to be true, and not empty rumors.
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Now that i think, how long will it take to fully expand to those who havent gotten the expansion? It’s been like a month

Thinking it will be early next year for full expansion.

However, we just flipped it to 25% of users today, so more people should have access!


Wait wait, so do i have to buy rr+ to gain instant access to Rec room studio or is that saying there’s a higher chance for me to get it with rr+?

Unfortunately, i’m not from that 25% :pensive:
Maybe next year

Wait, so if i buy RR+, do i get instant acces?

no you need to wait until you have it for free. buying rr plus will not change anything unfortunaly.