Hello Rooms 2.0 Creators!
We’ve been hard at work looking into all of the cases of tags desync reported in Rooms 2.0, and have a fix on the way in the next major update! Thank you to all of the Rooms 2.0 creators that reported this. What we’ve found is that tags can become desynced when two or more objects had their tags created or changed at the same time. This can happen by the Add/Remove Tags chips, the Replicator replicating objects, or cloning. We’ve exhaustively tested all of those cases and ensured tags remain synchronized between everyone in the room. If you have any cases where you’re seeing tags in Rooms 2.0 desync that weren’t mentioned here, please report on our R2 Bugs Forum. We want to make sure tags in Rooms 2.0 are a rock solid foundation for everyone to build on!
We will update on this thread when the ship is out and this is fixed!