Polaroid Image Support

For some rooms, especially hangout rooms, the Polaroids printed by the share camera are an integral part of the visual experience. They also boast many other uses, such as serving as reference images and the like. I think they’d be nice to have, especially considering they are, arguably, one of the core functions of RR’s share camera / image sharing functionality.


I’m confused what you’re trying to say here

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Printing photos in Rooms 2 is non-functional due to the lack of support for the Polaroid object, I want support for the Polaroid so we can print within R2.


everyone vote for this, we need this for rec room :saluting_face:


Agreed, @IsacVR i wasnt aware you can’t print in rooms 2, that’s crazy. You can still take pictures, just not print them. Wow :joy:

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I have the share camera completely disabled for my room in rooms1, due to the hackers being able to use it to spawn in anything they want. This also goes for room comments but i think they can still equip the feedback tool regardless of actually being able to leave a room comment. That goes for everyone in general tho. If there was a way to keep people from equipping the feedback tool, the share camera, and the stream camera, we could prevent most of the scripters from hacking our events. I was informed that hackers can’t get in to rooms 2 rooms as easy as rooms 1

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Justice for the pictures!!