I have an Inappropriate Photo In my Room, I have reported It many times & Rec Room wont do anything about It, So Rec Room Please Make a New Feature where you can Delete other peoples Photos If It was taken In your Room, If you want to check the Room Its ^SandboxHangoutRR
Oh, a good feature to add but it will be beta first
I also have a couple of inappropriate photos in my room. I think its best to just ban the player and report the photos for now until they are removed :\
A good step to handle this is take note of the players that were in the photo and ban them from your room. The next step you could take is to prohibit the use of cameras in your room.
People and are unique characters, sadly not all are… Mature
Oh, i’ve never thought about it but i’m very surprised this isn’t a feature already!! I wonder if they’re worried about people abusing it to remove photos of people they don’t like, but they could also just ban those people from the room anyways. I guess some people might also remove photos with more cheers than theirs to be the top photo? But that doesn’t seem very important.
Yea good solution
I made the image private for you.
Yes that’s a great idea, But I have reported this Photo Dozens of times & yet RR Wont do anything about it
Omg I never expected a RR employee to respond to this, & Also TYSM I really appreciate it
You can remove photos from your rooms now:
Remove Unwanted Photos from Your Room