What device/platform are you having the problem on?
Were you alone or with other players?
With other Players
How often does the issue occur?
Randomly, but most consistantly on PC Screen
Room Name
Subroom Name
Reproduction Steps
- Go ingame
- Walk up to an interaction volume on PC Screen
- Try to interact with the interaction volume
- Game is softlocked.
Entirely confused on how this is happening, but for some reason whenever I interact with locks and interaction volumes in my game, it breaks the character controller completely, and I am unable to move
It works when I have my maker pen out, but when I drop my maker pen, my character gets stuck MedalTVRecRoom20250128210549-tr-edit.mp4 - Google Drive
In multiplayer however, It doesnt seem to be the case for all devices, some get through fine, while screen mode players like me are unable to move.
And if you go back to your dorm, well, this happens MedalTVRecRoom20250131184408.mp4 - Google Drive
Log File: Player (3).log - Google Drive