Game Softlocks upon sending an event to all players as soon as the room is loaded

What device/platform are you having the problem on?


Were you alone or with other players?


How often does the issue occur?


Room Name


Subroom Name


Reproduction Steps

  1. Load into the room
  2. Game Softlocks


Unsure how this happened, its very weird, but I hope the log file attached gives some insight
Log file : Player (2).log - Google Drive
Video: MedalTVRecRoom20250127192644.mp4 - Google Drive

It’s because a player collider collides with another player, moving them around, and when a player’s collision collides with another, it teleports you somewhere, depending on where their direction is from another collider, try an experiment, make a big cube, and go in in with your makerpen, pretend the cube is the player, contact me for more info if you need it!

It could be where a cube/shape is in the collider of a playerspawn.

Discovered it was due to a respawn chip and a wrong if else connection, issue has been fixed