How to determine when which hand is used in the interaction volume?

I want to create a door that opens when pressing the Interaction Volume.
But for the correct calculation of the door’s rotation angle, I need to know the coordinates of the hand.
But here’s the problem: how to determine which hand the player is using while interacting with the Interaction Volume.
I had the following ideas to bypass this problem. During interaction, check which hand is clenched, but due to platform-specific features, a VR player clenches their hand completely, so the trigger will determine that the hand is clenched, whereas on screen devices the hand doesn’t bend completely and therefore the chip won’t determine that the hand is clenched. But I abandoned this idea because the clenched hand detection chip triggers when the player is holding something in their hand. Perhaps developers should add a string to the Interaction Volume that records which hand the player is currently using. Or is there any chip that determines which hand the player is using? Or is there a way to know which hand the player is using?

Personally, I wouldn’t get this detailed for something like opening a door

Currently, there is no 100% reliable method of knowing which hand a player is using to interact with an interaction volume

The best you could probably do is see what hand is the closest to the volume, which wont always work perfectly as the furthest hand could be the one doing the interaction