Hand status chips

things like ‘Right hand is closed’ as a Bool or a float to show the progression of the hand.

These would be really neat, as it would open a gateway to new systems such as custom Climbing, grabbing and so on.

Also hand events, such as trigger input pressed in RV1.


I can think of alot of ways i could use this this should be a thing


Hey- stay tuned! Due to the major/minor updates, I believe these chips will be pretty staggered, but you will be seeing some of these come in soon.
These will be coming in the form of detecting whether or not a hand is closed or pointing.


Yesssss, Thanks for the response, Can’t wait to see some of these incorporated into rooms

Player Left/Right Hand Is Closed are live now!


Hey, Player Left/Right Hand Is Pointing are now live also

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Oh Huge W, Thanks for Informing me, Those are going to be sick to play around with :pray:

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