How do you unlink all your accounts

I gave My account to my friend And he keeps on getting Voice band And I don’t know what to do I changed my account Password And I’m still getting voice band How do I completely unlink my account and I am scared if I get prm band I had my account for 3 or 2 years now and I Don’t want to lose it and I Talk To rec room support and They said nothing it has bin 4 Months and still Nothing I feel like rec room is not listening I have soo much On this account pls help me


Go into and click “Force Logout All Devices”. It will make you log back in, but it will log out of every device your account is logged into.

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I already did that but I’m still getting voice band

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Just unlinking your account won’t un-voiceban you, you might have to wait for it to finish. Unlinking your account from their device(s) will make sure you wont get voice banned from a related account. I’d look at this zendek page for more info.

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I have the same issue and have pressed that button but i keep getting voice banned. I have dealt with it since june.

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You probably need to do something I call a “Cooldown Effort.”

This might not be the best option; but, it allows the AutoModeration to cool down and stake.

If you were to go with this option, I’d recommend not speaking at all (unless in a private room, like your Dorm) for 3 to 4 days. This will allow auto moderation to unstick itself to your name.


Rec Room states to NEVER share your account password with anyone. They mention that if someone else is playing on your account and they get your account banned, there’s nothing Rec Room moderation will do about it.

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