Synced lists aren’t officially a thing. Is there any way to keep lists easily synchronized between all players?
Would already seem that using an Event Sender and an Event Receiver, lists can be sent to all players in the room, with the data still be in order.
Is there a certain List< (x) > that it’s not returning results in order?
Pressing the set button on either player in the room, generates 78 random big int variables, puts it 3 times into a string, along with it’s iteration appended to the end of the string, added to the list, then sent to the event sender.
Trying to do anything more, does seem to hit a Network Heat limit, in which you’d want to share your usecase, see if theres a way to change it to optimize it.
Then either player presses the read button, with the button’s component board configured to run on all players, instead of just the local player that pressed, individually and slowly, one by one, go through the array provided from the Event Receiver every second, to output the next in the list every second, as the Log Screen is sync’d and would hit ‘Sending too many RPC’s’ error if using a For Each chip. (please recroom offer a slowdown on for each, or offer a way to configure chips to wait till they can run, not stop and error!)
And on the log screen, all players received the same array, in order.